
Contemplative Art Exhibition

Contemplación is an invitation to spend some minutes fully immersed in the present moment. A series of paintings by Alma Ayon created as a natural expression of her contemplative practice.

For the past 17 years, she has drawn on her diverse training in architecture, visual arts, Western psychology and Eastern meditation practices, to revive the tradition of contemplative art.

Her art work is stunningly minimalistic, it reflects conceptual simplicity. An art that represents, silence, space, awareness, simplicity, concentration, peace, mindfulness. It’s also an exploration on how we can gain a deeper understanding of reality.

“In our world we are constantly bombarded with sensory stimuli, our mind wanders from one object of interest to another, I want to create a space where we can experience silence and presence.”

Alma takes influence from her training on eastern contemplative art, which is closely linked to the spiritual quest for understanding consciousness and the development of a deeper wisdom, as embodied through forms such as Zen calligraphy and Sumi-e, which highlight mindfulness on each individual brush stroke.

“In contemplative art, the mental state of an artist is transmitted through their work, so it can also be a meditation for the viewer.”

She teaches global workshops integrating meditation and art, as well as private lessons in person and online. Recently Alma taught a course on Contemplative Art at The Contemplary.

Her artwork is an integral part of our logo and branding at The Contemplary, it was exhibited at Lamington Drive Gallery on July 2017 and now is currently displayed at The Contemplary’s events as a fundraising initiative.

Paintings and prints from the exhibition are for sale in our store. By purchasing them you support The Contemplary and its mission to promote human flourishing.