Asia Pacific ICM 2022

Contemplative practice for the 21stCentury

Tuesday 15 to Friday 18th November

ICM – Asia Pacific 2022

Contemplative practice for the 21stCentury



Contemplative Approaches


The scientific and scholarly study of these things are increasingly prominent in contemporary society, academia and broader discussions.

The Contemplary is part of the team organising the ICM Asia Pacific 2022 conference which will bring together a wide range of people, encompassing inputs from science, experience, spiritual and religious traditions.  The conference will facilitate discourse and discussion with the aim of furthering understanding of contemplative science, compassion and mindfulness as well as broader contemplative practices and their application in different areas of society.

ICM Asia Pacific 2022 is part of an international mindfulness conference series which includes a biennial conference held in the northern hemisphere and now an Asia Pacific conference, first held in Auckland 2019 and now in Melbourne 2022.

ICM Asia Pacific 2022 is linked, supported and endorsed by CMCIA (Conscious, Mindfulness, Compassion International Association) and shares its mission to promote, support & inspire research, development & the application of mindfulness, compassion & wisdom for therapeutic and educational needs, as well as for personal and societal wellbeing.  ICM Asia Pacific 2022 also shares the values of inclusivity & collaboration emphasizing convergence & dialogue between science and different contemplative traditions.

ICM Asia Pacific 2022 sessions will be organized into the following ‘Strands’.  These strands will be subject to further development by strand specific working groups.  Invitations for abstracts will open shortly.

1. Social, Political & Environmental

2. Intrapersonal, Interpersonal & Investigative

3. Spiritual, Cultural & Philosophical

4. Technology, Education & Media

5. Conversation, Challenge & Reconceptualization – Weaving strands together

We look forward to seeing you.